Meet our sponsors: Wooga

Apr 10, 2013

  • pagojo
  • &

  •  apantsiop

Wooga Logo

Once again, Wooga supports EuRuKo and we are extremely happy about it! Immediately after last year’s Athens nomination, Wooga contacted us and told us they wanted to support this year’s effort. In doing so, Wooga, took a (heavy) chip off of our shoulders. They did so perhaps because members of the Wooga family had organised EuRuKo 2011, perhaps because they are too cool… we don’t know. But we thank them :-)

Wooga was founded to create computer games for everyone. They develop games with a special focus on emotional characters, good usability and superb localisation in seven languages. No consoles or high-end computers are needed to enjoy Wooga games, making it easy for every player to connect with their friends.

As they say, they develop social games with love in Berlin. They certainly showed EuRuKo their love again this year and we should all thank them for that!

Also, take a look here to see what it takes to join their Engineering team.

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