Meet our sponsors: Metaquark

Apr 17, 2013

  • pagojo

Metaquark Logo

For a long time, the team at Metaquark shared every mobile developer’s experience. This of the difficulty of designing, building, releasing and maintaining mobile apps. In this experience, many manual steps had to be followed repeatedly in order to test, publish and then collect application usage information.

It got more complicated every time they added support for a new mobile operating system, because none of them are alike as we all know. It got even worse when they tried to do all of that in a distributed team, with very few tools that were built to support such team structure.

Then it was when when they set out to make developing mobile apps a lot easier. Metaquark’s mobile enterprise application platform called ‘AppFresh Mobile’ is a central service for large and small companies which helps manage the life-cycle of mobile applications. AppFresh Mobile includes distributed cloud builds for all mobile platforms, application security policies, distribution of applications to handsets using a custom enterprise applications store and extensive monitoring to help improve the quality of applications delivered to employees and customers.

Metaquark work with a great variety of technologies to implement their mobile cross-platform and cloud strategy. Not surprisingly, their core platform is powered by Ruby and Rails. Their platform can either be deployed in a highly scalable Metaquark cloud setup, or directly at the customer site. Metaquark are small but fast growing. Their team and their vision are backed by their strategic investor and strong partner Software AG. Together they deliver mobile technologies and projects for some of the biggest enterprises all around the world.

Not only that, but Metaquark are hiring! They suggest that if you’re looking for a challenge, they are the right place for you! The place to work on technology, concepts and strategies, think in new ways, be creative and take over great challenges. You may join them in one of their offices in Berlin and Leipzig (Germany) and make cross-platform mobile application life-cycle management available to all enterprises which develop mobile applications. From managing, building and signing mobile applications in the cloud to full featured application and device management on the mobile client, you name it, they are working on it.

Help development teams all over the world develop better apps and save time by using AppFresh Mobile!

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