Oh my! CFP submissions coming to an end, what’s next, stats and more

Apr 22, 2013

  • pagojo
  • &

  •  nikosd

Heroes are made and heroes are remembered. However, usually behind them lies an army of unsung supporters!

The EuRuKo 2013 CfP process has three distinct parts. We have almost completed the first part (with great success) where proposed talk submissions took place. This year we had 72 amazing submissions (and this may get higher until tomorrow) which are a testament to the diverse and involved community we Rubyists enjoy. Unfortunately we can’t have them all this summer!

Tomorrow we start with the second part of our CfP process. In this second part, the interlude between Phase I and Phase II, you are called in 5 days to create a shortlist of 30 proposed talks. This is of utmost importance since this shortlist is going to be the one from which you will select the 10 talks for this summer’s event during the Phase II voting. If you don’t push your favourite proposal in the shortlist you won’t be able to vote for it later!

What you can do to shape this shortlist is to go to the app and:

  • promote
  • demote
  • share your favourite proposals on social networks so that many more get involved!

This is the time to rally behind your favourite proposals and, who knows, perhaps make someone (whose name you still don’t know) a new Ruby hero! Go shape this summer’s conference now! :-)

P.S.: For the number lovers, here are some fresh ones:

And last but not least: you do have tickets don’t you?

If not, go grab’em now!

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